Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 84

Good morning to you, Little One. We desire to speak with you today, to share with you some teachings that are appropriate for you in this time of now. Now is an interesting concept, is it not?

Consider the nowness of this moment. When considering the “now,” it is impossible to become attached to any illusions. Be here in this precious moment, for it will never be here again. Enjoy its every aspect, its every nuance.

If you are solely in the moment, it is impossible to live in or to create illusion. In this moment, in this now, it is impossible to become attached to any concept, outcome, or paradigm, for you are always flowing, moving, changing, and experiencing. Dolphins are creatures of now. We are always here, for in truth where else would one be?

The present is this moment of truth. Each moment, fully experienced, is a moment of truth, and in this truth resides your power. Your truth is your strength.

If you were to fully be present to this moment, flowing freely in the water of truth and swimming in the sweet sea of spirit, do you see that there are no limits to the grace of the moment? There is only perfect peace, perfect alignment of mind, body, spirit, and heart. Savor the perfection of the now. In the now, there is no pain; there is no lack; there is no wound; there is no fear; there is no hate. In the now there is only your essence, which is love.

How can you move freely, swim swiftly, if you are towing a barge of baggage, or if you are attached to a freight of illusions? The past is the past. Bless it, but let it be. Your moment of truth is now. Do not miss this moment, this joy, by attaching yourself to what you can never have. This now is yours; the present moment is your entitlement. Live it. Experience it. Enjoy it. Bless it. Release it. Let this be your mantra: now.
You seek for that which you already have,
Yet lose in the seeking.
Look not ahead.
Look not behind.
Look deep within the stillness.
Listen to the deep.
This is Now.
Experience the light.
Experience the darkness.
Bear witness to both.
No judgment is required.
Interpretation is unnecessary.
This is Now.

What happens when you release the past and future and focus your creative power on the present moment? Magic happens. Grace happens. The possibilities are endless, for there are no limiting beliefs to distort the creation. Remember the story of Peter walking on the water: Peter could walk on water until he moved out of the moment of truth.

Little One, this is your moment of truth. Do you understand the import of this teaching? It affects every single aspect of your existence, all that you value, that you believe that you hold to be precious. Everything that you erroneously believe keeps you safe, in fact, robs you of your power to create your present, for it keeps you attached to your past experience or projects you into future experiences without allowing you to experience the power of the present moment.

Even this is hard for you to hear. You wish to hurry ahead. Your mind says, “I already know this. Give me something new.” Yet we would say to you that knowing and applying that knowledge are two different things. Choosing to live in the power of now, accepting the responsibility to create your experience, is not an intellectual exercise. We will keep teaching the same teaching until you start applying the knowledge.

We do not wish to become impatient with you. We only mean to help you to appreciate the importance of the essential‑ness of these concepts. Do not dismiss this, for it is indeed the wisdom of the Sage. That it has been spoken before does not make it less true. This knowledge must be applied, not relegated to the archives and occasionally taken out to admire.

This is your moment of truth, Little One. Do you choose to experience this truth, this power, or do you choose to live with the illusions that your past has created and your future will create? Make no mistake that you are the architect of your reality. You choose your experience in each moment.

Choose love, dear one. Choose joy. Choose now. Be love. Beloved.