Monday, December 6, 2010

Preface to The Little One Diaries, Volume Two: Great Fullness of Heart

Dear Friends,

It is with immense joy and great delight that I present you with this second volume in The Little One Diaries Series. This past year, since the release of Volume One, has been a challenging, exhilarating, and heart-full adventure of Spirit. It has been a year of paradox, in which unspeakable joy and profound grief, blazing triumph and stark tragedy, infinite delight and deep despair partnered one another in the dance of light and shadow.  Yet in every circumstance, in every moment, the message remains clear:  Grace abounds!

I am grateful for the opportunity to once again share these teachings with you. I offer these words to you, not as absolute truth, but rather to share with you the grace of my journey and to bless you as you travel your own path of Truth. I have come to understand that direct spiritual guidance is continually available to each of us, moment by moment, and that we are never alone, despite whatever illusion may currently be playing. As ever, the goal of this volume is to encourage you to establish your own direct communication channel, to trust the guidance that you receive, and to open your heart to the still, small voice calling to you.

I am ever in your debt for the great gift of your presence on this journey.

Be love. Be loved. Beloved.

Susan Gallaher
January, 2001
Luxor, Egypt